Cancellation policy

Cancellation policy

Effective Date:** 05/21/2024
At XOPRO, we strive to provide our users and partners with the best experience possible. However, we understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel your subscription or participation in our programs. Please review our cancellation policy below.

General Cancellation Policy

1. Subscription Cancellation

  • To cancel your XOPRO subscription, you must submit your cancellation request at least 30 days prior to your next billing cycle. Cancellations made less than 30 days before the next billing cycle will take effect at the end of the subsequent billing cycle.
  • Cancellation requests can be submitted through the XOPRO app or by contacting our customer support team at

2. Refunds

  • Refunds for cancellations made within the 30-day notice period are not provided. Your subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle, and no further charges will be applied.

Ambassador Program Cancellation

1. Cancellation Process

  • To cancel your participation in the XOPRO Ambassador Program, you must notify us in writing at least 30 days prior to the desired cancellation date. Please send your cancellation request to

2. Loss of Residuals

  • Upon cancellation of your participation in the Ambassador Program, you will lose all accumulated residuals. This means that any residual earnings you have accrued up until the cancellation date will be forfeited.
  • If you choose to rejoin the Ambassador Program in the future, you will need to start over, and any previous residuals or status levels will not be reinstated.

How to Cancel

1. Subscription Cancellation

  • Go to the settings section of the XOPRO app.
  • Select “Account” and then “Manage Subscription.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your cancellation request.

2. Ambassador Program Cancellation

  • Email your cancellation request to with the subject line “Ambassador Program Cancellation.”
  • Include your full name, Ambassador ID (if applicable), and a brief explanation of your reason for cancellation.

Confirmation of Cancellation

  • Once we receive your cancellation request, we will process it within 7 business days.
  • You will receive a confirmation email once your cancellation has been successfully processed.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our cancellation policy, please contact us: