Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

Certainly! Below is a comprehensive cancellation policy for XOPRO, which includes details for regular memberships and the Ambassador Program.

Effective Date: 05/21/2024

At XOPRO, we value our community and strive to provide the best experience possible. We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel your subscription or participation in our programs. Please review our cancellation policy below.

General Cancellation Policy

1. Notice Requirement

  • To cancel your XOPRO subscription or participation in our services, you must provide a 30-day notice. This notice must be sent via email to Include your full name, account details, and reason for cancellation.

2. No Refunds

  • Once payment is made, there are no refunds. You will continue to have access to XOPRO services for the remainder of the 30-day notice period.

3. Effective Cancellation

  • Your cancellation will take effect 30 days after we receive your notice. During this period, you will retain access to your subscription benefits.

4. Cancellation Email

  • To request cancellation, send an email to with the subject line “Subscription Cancellation.” Provide your account details and the reason for your cancellation.

Ambassador Program Cancellation Policy

1. Non-Refundable Fee

  • Once you join the XOPRO Ambassador Program and pay the associated fee, the fee is non-refundable. Your participation is valid for the selected term.

2. Term Commitment

  • If you select a $30 monthly plan, you can cancel after 30 days with a 30-day notice.
  • If you choose a $50 plan for six months, you cannot cancel until the six-month term is complete.
  • Similarly, if you opt for a $99 annual plan, you must fulfill the one-year commitment before cancellation is allowed.

3. Loss of Residuals

  • Upon cancellation of your participation in the Ambassador Program, you will lose all accumulated residuals. Any residual earnings accrued up to the cancellation date will be forfeited.
  • Rejoining the Ambassador Program after cancellation will require starting from scratch, with no reinstatement of previous residuals or status levels.

Specific Service Cancellations

1. Dating Services

  • For XOPRO’s dating services, you must provide a 30-day notice for cancellation. The same no-refund policy applies, and your access will continue for the 30-day notice period.

2. Marketplace and Other Services

  • Cancellations for marketplace services and other XOPRO features also require a 30-day notice with no refunds. Services will remain active for the duration of the notice period.

How to Cancel

1. Subscription Cancellation:

  • Go to the settings section of the XOPRO app.
  • Select “Account” and then “Manage Subscription.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your cancellation request.
  • Additionally, send an email to with your cancellation request.

2. Ambassador Program Cancellation

  • Email your cancellation request to with the subject line “Ambassador Program Cancellation.”
  • Include your full name, Ambassador ID (if applicable), and a brief explanation of your reason for cancellation.

Confirmation of Cancellation

  • Once we receive your cancellation request, we will process it within 7 business days.
  • You will receive a confirmation email once your cancellation has been successfully processed.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our cancellation policy, please contact us: